
The full programme of the conference is available as PDF here.

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The Law Factory (Sciences Po, CEE, Regards Citoyens, Médialab)


Wednesday, May 28th   (Sciences Po, Amphitheatre Caquot, 28 rue des Saints Pères, 75007 – Paris)

9 am: Welcome Coffee

09.15-10.30 am: Opening plenary

Welcome by Angela Tacea, Sciences Po, CEE (FR)

Presentation of The Law Factory project by Regards Citoyens (FR)

Designing Interfaces for Law Tracking by Density Design, Politecnico di Milano (IT)

10.30-10.45 am : Coffee Break

10.45-11.45 am:  Plenary Session: talks I

Ludovic Pénet and Laurent Cottereau, French Senate: Opening the Law Making and Governement Control processes : Open Data and and «En Séance» (FR)

Cristina Leston-Bandeira, University of Hull, Digital Democracy Commission, House of Commons: The Challenges of the Digital Democracy Commission (UK)

11.45 am- 1 pm: Plenary Session: talks II

Mihail Chiru, Marina Popescu, Median Research Centre: Tracking the legislative process in the Romanian Chamber of Deputies (RO)

François Briatte, IEP Grenoble / ESPOL Lille: Legislative Cosponsorship Networks in the French Parliament (FR)

Sergio Braga, UFPR / Federal University of Parana and University of Leeds: Role of digital technologies in improving the quality of lawmaking in the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil (BR)

Stefan Marsiske, The state of the Open Union (HU)

1-2 pm: Lunch Break

2-2.30 pm:

Olivier Rozenberg, Sciences Po, CEE: Case study “The Law factory” (FR)

2.30 – 3.30 pm: Plenary Session: talks III

Romain Lecler, CESSP: Commitment to Parliamentary Sociability within Working Group (FR)

Niels van Dijk, Vrije Universiteit Brussel / London School of Economics: Back to the Source of Law. A Proposal for Empirical Legal Studies at the Legislature (BE)

Mandira Kala, PRS Legislative Research: Draft to Enactment: Leveraging Legislative Tracking (IN)

Ana Carvalho, Ricardo Lafuente, Manufactura Independente: Independent data hub for Portuguese open data (PT)

3.30-4 pm: Coffee Break

4 – 5 pm: Plenary Session: talks IV

Aspasia Papaloi and Prof. Dimitris Gouscos, Faculty of Communication and Mass Media Studies, University of Athens: Visualizing legislative documents: Paving the way to a meaningful user experience? (GR)

Manisha Madhava, Jain University: What deters the unnveiling of Legislative Process? A study from Indian Perspective (IN)

Nicolas Chauvat, Logilab: LawIsCode and CubicWeb (FR)

Ajibola Oseni, Nigeria: Peoples’ Parliament (NG)

5-5.30 pm: Key note :

Bruno Latour, Sciences Po, Medialab (FR)

Axelle Lemaire, Secretary of State in charge of Digital Affairs (Secrétaire d’Etat chargée du Numérique, auprès du ministre de l’Economie, du Redressement productif et du Numérique) (FR)

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